Saturday, February 6, 2010

Musings on being tired

Have you ever stopped to consider the state of being tired. I...have. Lets list and rate them:

  1. Exhaustion: The kind of tired you get when you've been without sleep or very little sleep for extended periods of time. You can't think, you're on edge about every little thing, and you just wanna shove anything that stops you from sleeping. This usually happens when you're in the middle of the day at work or school. Can lead to emotional outbursts, small nervous breakdowns, and car naps.  Rating: 0/10. Nothing Worse
  2. Panic Tired: The kind of tired when you've been up all night dealing with a huge project, a bad fight, a panic attack or something else, when it's so late that eventually the drowsiness lets you know that even though it's 5 am and you have to be up and alert in 3 hours, you might as well give up and let it overtake you. Rating 1/10. There's a little relief at finally being able to stop, but you know when you wake up, you'll be facing number 1
  3. Lets Just Get This Over With Tired: The kind of weariness that comes when you know you've gotta up for work in the morning. It's late, and you're having fun, but you know you gotta sleep. May lead to desperate zero hour attempts to continue doing what you're doing, getting up to "get some water" and grabbing the controller again, denial, or screaming fits: "I DON'T WANNA GO TO BED, I'M NOT SLEEPY" Rating 4/10. Once you finally get in bed, you realize it's not so bad, and let dreams carry you off to sleep
  4. Just 5 More Minutes Tired: Entirely a morning phenomenon, when you wake up, only dimly aware, and immediately must curl up and get more sleep, alarm clock be damned. May lead to: Broken timekeeping devices, falling asleep cuddled up to your spouse, naps in the bathtub, and "Cough Cough sorry boss, I can't come in today bad case of the Galloping Consumption" Rating 9/10 if you get to indulge, 2/10 if you cannot, which leads to:
  5. Morning Sickness Tired: Also, entirely a morning phenomenon, a milder version of number 1, that will be gone by the afternoon, with seemingly no ill effects. Symptoms may include: an insane desire for coffee, completely dazed look with accompanying intellectual uselessness, "Yes, your ass looks huge in those pants!," and that feeling where you wake up in the parking lot and have no memory of driving there, which can only mean you slept drove to work. Rating: 2/10 Scary beyond belief, and may destroy relationships and
  6. Long Day Tired: You've had a looong day, literally. This usually occurs after you woke up at 5 am in the morning and it's now rolling up on 12:30 am. You realize that you simply have been awake for too many hours, and that it's time to sleep. Not necessarily a desire to sleep, only to end the day. Rating: 5/10. Easy to accept, not hard to get to sleep, goes down like room temperature water
  7. Worn-Out Tired: Comes after a day of intense physical labor, you may not mentally be prepared for bed, but your body insists, right now. You crawl into bed with some trepidation, but by the time your aching arms hit those soft cottony pillows, you realize there's no place you'd rather be. You'll be asleep in no time, so don't even bother putting on the TV. Rating: 7/10 This is stuff dreams are made of!
  8. Friggin Sweet Tired: You wake up, and are groggy beyond belief, and you'd really like nothing more than to fall back asleep, but you've got something AWESOME to wake up to. Maybe you're on vacation and you've got a hike first thing with columbian coffee that arrived on a donkey instead of a freighter. Maybe you're on your honeymoon and soon your spouse will awaken to ::CENSORED FOR THE CHILDREN:: Whatever it is, your excitement cancels out the tired, and even the tiredness itself doesn't begrudge your lack of indulgence, "Go on man, this'll be choice, you'll have time for me later!" Rating: 8/10 Surfs UP!
  9. Warm Fuzzy Tired: An odd phenomenon, usually occurs after long productive days where you know you'll get plenty of sleep, like Saturdays. You've been relaxing for the past couple of hours, but it's getting late, and there it is, like a warm hug, your body reminding you that you're tired. There's no insistence, it doesn't force you to fall asleep where you are, just a subtle reminder: "You're tired, you should get some sleep" You'll look back on your busy day, know your sleep will be rich and deep, and slowly stop what you're doing and prepare for bed. When you finally hit the mattress, it'll be just the right temperature, cold in the summer, warm in the winter. The last thing you'll do before you drift off with a smile on your face is happily sigh. Rating: 9/10 This is too rare, and exquisite, almost nothing better!
  10. Ohh, it's Saturday Tired: Entirely resembles #4, until that golden moment when you realize that it's Saturday, and you don't have to get up at all. Never in the recorded history of Man is there an event which will take you faster from utter despair to complete elation. The satisfaction that you don't really have to get out of bed is tempered and refined by the thought that just 30 seconds ago, you knew you were going to have to rise from your cocoon. Rating: 10/10 Total perfection, beauty beyond belief, better than sex!
Now if you guys don't mind, I'm going for a catnap,

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