Monday, December 12, 2011

David's rules for life (more)

David's rules for life

When I started this blog, I decided I'd only post when I had something to say. Well now I have something to say:

David's Rules for life, in no particular order

1) You are required to accept your capricious heart, but you aren't required to indulge it.
Letting the heart lead is dangerous, as it often makes poor choices. Still, the life lived without joy, sadness, and love is no life lived at all. That said, when your heart insists on making poor choices that you KNOW will turn out badly, don't

2) Remember how people are when the chips are down.
Now matter how much you hope people will be wonderful, you must remember that how people are when things go bad doesn't tend to change. And things will go bad. Make sure you're always prepared to deal with that.

3) Don't be yourself, be someone better.
Everyone says "be yourself," which implies you should be happy with yourself. I say that's bunk. If there's something that continually bugs you about yourself, you should realize its something you consider a major negative and FIX IT.

4) Just because something is hard, doesn't mean its worth it.
Striving is great, but remember to keep in perspective what your striving for. Don't keep chasing something just because it refuses to be got. Don't let the chase become the goal.
